Omi/Umi - Omi is Yoruba for water/Umi is a name that means life, energy, servant

Flo/Flow - To move in a stream, to derive from a source, to proceed smoothly and readily

Flow, being the mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energised focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity

Our commitment is to constant improvement, innovation and development of solutions that serve others

It begins with wastewater treatment, which is our core offering, however we keep evolving our products and services to supply state of the art solutions to our clients. We are determined to change the perception of wastewater from a burdensome project that smells, is expensive and contaminates our environment. We build systems generate economic, social and environmental value, create beautiful spaces and combat climate change. Our vision is to go beyond this to constantly offer the best in waste management and renewable energy solutions. It is for this reason that we have partnered with some of the best suppliers in the region and we work with them to develop wholistic solutions for our clients.

Our Team

We have a dedicated team of architects, project managers, landscapers, civil and biotech-engineers, and biologists, either directly or through partnerships and SPVs, all committed to a common vision. To providing solutions that bring economic, social and environmental benefit to all. Omiflo specialises in the phytofix system a more cost effective, energy efficient, and sustainable technology for advanced wastewater treatment.